A Publication of Humanities Tennessee

Readers Rejoice

From haunting novels to true tales of kitchen ghosts, explorations of grief to celebrations of song, the Southern Festival of Books brings it all. The festival will take place in Nashville at Bicentennial Mall, the Tennessee State Museum, and the Tennessee State Library & Archives, October 26-27.

The Year of Living Surreally

Robyn Hitchcock’s memoir 1967 tells the story of a time, a place, a music — and how they fired his imagination. Hitchcock will appear at Parnassus Books in Nashville on July 18.

Tender and Tragic

Coming to terms with guns or learning to knit a scarf, Andre Dubus III’s contradictions make for compelling reading in Ghost Dogs.

The Good Fight

He was a corruption-battling editor, educator, entrepreneur, attorney, and inventor. Jack McElroy’s Citizen Carl captures the lives and times of Carl Magee.

Desolation Rowboat

Cormac McCarthy made his name and fame in the West, but his most enduring character was Knoxville river rat Cornelius Suttree.

Poet for the People

Put on a record, pour yourself a Handsome Johnny, and settle in with Prine on Prine. For a fan, it’ll be like going to Paradise. Holly Gleason will discuss Prine on Prine at the 2023 Southern Festival of Books in Nashville on October 21-22.