In response to the loss of book coverage in newspapers around the state, Humanities Tennessee founded Chapter 16 in 2009 to provide comprehensive coverage of literary news and events in Tennessee. Each weekday the site posts fresh content that focuses on author events across the state and new releases from Tennessee authors. In addition, Chapter 16 maintains partnerships with newspapers in each major media market statewide, and our content appears in print each week through the Commercial Appeal in Memphis, the Nashville Scene, the Chattanooga Times Free Press, and the Knoxville News Sentinel. Through the site, social media, a weekly newsletter, and our newspaper partnerships, Chapter 16 reaches a broad audience inside and outside the state.
Chapter 16 publishes 44 weeks per year. The site goes on hiatus during the month of July, the week of Thanksgiving, and the last three weeks of December.
If you want to know more about Humanities Tennessee, visit If you want to ask questions or make suggestions, go to Contact Us.
Chapter 16 is the virtual Tennessee Center for the Book, an independent affiliate of the Library of Congress’s National Center for the Book. Humanities Tennessee is an independent affiliate of the National Endowment for the Humanities.
- Executive Director:
Tim Henderson - Director of Literature & Language Programs:
Serenity Gerbman - Editor:
Maria Browning - Copy Editor:
Linda Parsons - Contributing Writers:
Tonya Abari, Tracy Barrett, Peggy Burch, Hamilton Cain, Sarah Carter, Tina Chambers, Emily Choate, Lee Conell, Julie Danielson, Susannah Felts, G. Robert Frazier, Liz Garrigan, Aram Goudsouzian, Kashif Andrew Graham, Kim Green, Steve Haruch, Edd Hurt, Faye Jones, Billy Kilgore, Sean Kinch, Peter Kuryla, Kathryn Justice Leache, Abby N. Lewis, Odie Lindsey, Fernanda Moore, Jim Patterson, Lyda Phillips, Joy Ramirez, Ciona Rouse, Chris Scott, Bradley Sides, Ed Tarkington, Michael Ray Taylor, Lauren Turner, Beth Waltemath, Sara Beth West, Erica Wright