A Publication of Humanities Tennessee

Calling All Friends of Chapter 16

Please consider a year-end gift to protect the future of this publication

December 23, 2013 At Chapter 16, our mission is to help readers find the books that will change their lives.

Humanities Tennessee launched this site in 2009 as a response to the loss of local book coverage in newspapers around the state. Five days a week, we publish new content—book reviews, author interviews, feature stories, and original poems and essays—here at Chapter16.org. And since newspapers are struggling in the digital economy, too, we provide this literary bonanza without charge to local papers across the entire state as a service to the literary community of Tennessee. Our content reaches nearly half a million potential readers each week via the website and through newspaper partnerships in Memphis, Nashville, and Knoxville. It’s an arrangement that benefits authors, bookstores, libraries, universities, and passionate readers, and it doesn’t cost any of them a single thing.

We need your help to continue this valuable service.

Since 2009, all this content has been paid for primarily by federal grants to Humanities Tennessee. But that revenue source is less reliable in the current economic climate, and our federal grants have already been cut by close to 20 percent, with more cuts likely in the 2014 budget that Congress is preparing now. We need to find a new way to keep Chapter 16 safe in an era of declining revenue. Will you help by making a donation of your own— of whatever you can comfortably give—and by forwarding this appeal to anyone who might also help?

Chapter 16‘s work in bringing together writers and readers at the local level is unique, innovative, and vital to the literary life of Tennessee. Please help us protect its future. Click here to make a tax-deductible donation.

Thanks from everyone at Chapter 16 and Humanities Tennessee!