A Publication of Humanities Tennessee

Preparing for Change

seeds-on-ice-front-coverCary Fowler is the driving force behind the Svalbard Global Seed Vault, a storehouse of genetic diversity located beneath the icy landscape of northernmost Norway. In Seeds on Ice, Fowler explains how the vault came to be and offers a virtual visit to its Arctic home via photographs by Mari Tefre. Fowler will appear at The Booksellers at Laurelwood in Memphis on December 10.

Marine Corps Hero

i-will-hold-cover-jpgIn I Will Hold, James Carl Nelson tells the story of Clifton Cates, a University of Tennessee law-school graduate who joined the Marines just as the U.S. entered the Great War. The young soldier’s amazing luck and bravery during the carnage made him a him a hero.

The Skinless Horse

moonglowIn Michael Chabon’s new novel, Moonglow, a dying man summons his grandson and reveals his life story, including picaresque adventure, tragic romance, and stellar ambition—and the lingering psycho-social damage inflicted by the Holocaust. Chabon will discuss Moonglow at the Nashville Public Library on December 4 at 3 p.m.

One Long Headwind

todaywillbedifferentSpending a day in the mind of Eleanor Flood in Maria Semple’s third novel, Today Will Be Different, is a little like spinning around and around until you fall down—only funnier. Semple will appear at Parnassus Books in Nashville on November 17 at 6:30 p.m.

Marching Tall

march-book-three-cover-300dpiOn November 18 and 19, Congressman John Lewis will be in Nashville to receive the Nashville Public Library Literary Award. The new graphic memoir, March: Book Three, chronicles Lewis’s role in the civil-rights movement. Lewis will give a free public lecture about March: Book Three at Martin Luther King Jr. Academic Magnet High School in Nashville on November 19 at 10 a.m. The event is free and open to the public.

Dragging Dixie Outta the Dark?

liberal-rednecksIn The Liberal Redneck Manifesto, Trae Crowder, Corey Ryan Forrester, and Drew Morgan tackle the stereotypes of poor white Southerners, mostly “fellers,” from drunk-as-skunk-on-Saturday-night to singing-hymns-at-church-on-Sunday-morning, all delivered in a hick accent. The trio will perform at Zanies Comedy Night Club in Nashville on November 13.

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