A Publication of Humanities Tennessee

Memphis Barbecue

The History Press
144 pages

“Succulent pulled pork and ribs have become part of the fabric of life in the River City, and today they are cooked up in kitchens ranging from the internationally acclaimed, like Corky’s, to the humblest of roadside dives.”

–from the publisher

Memphis Barbecue

The Warm Springs Story

Mercer University Press
277 pages

“From Native American legends to resort era beginnings, from direct involvement by the elite families of West Georgia to Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s forty-one visits to his adopted state, and from the amazing polio generation and one of mankind’s most significant accomplishments to near closure, rebirth, and a myriad of what-might-have-beens. This is the complete story of Warm Springs, a story of pioneer beginnings and regional development, state and federal political intrigue, romantic suspicions and questionable ethics, social causes and lasting initiatives, civil and disability rights, medical origins and heartwarming success stories. It’s a compilation of individual stories that have never been told before.”

–from the publisher

The Warm Springs Story

Nation within a Nation: The American South and the Federal Government

University Press of Florida
364 pages

“Original, illuminating, and provocative, Nation within a Nation is certain to challenge those who deny southern exceptionalism. These essays show the complexity, hypocrisy, and, yes, perversion in this tortured relationship.”

–Orville Vernon Burton, author, The Age of Lincoln

Nation within a Nation: The American South and the Federal Government

These Gentle Wounds

312 pages

“Dunbar’s debut novel is a contemporary piece of fiction that realistically depicts PTSD from the perspective of a teenage boy. The young man’s emotional episodes are seamlessly woven into the narrative, and the language is appropriate for the story’s overall heft and emulates the vocabulary of typical young adults. The dark tone reflects the past that Gordie is struggling to overcome.”

–School Library Journal

These Gentle Wounds

Against the Grain

Weinstein Books
240 pages

“The old fashioned values of Coach Courtney come across as revolutionary in the cynical contemporary world, full of detail and anecdotes worthy of a Southern Preacher, but without the guilt.”

–Ron Shelton, director of Bull Durham

Against the Grain

Beauty So Rare

Bethany House Publishers
480 pages

“Alexander’s exquisitely written historical tale is filled with unforgettable characters, a romance that seems hopeless, and a close-up look at the aftermath of a war that nearly destroyed our country.”


Beauty So Rare

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