A Publication of Humanities Tennessee

If This Book Exists, You're in the Wrong Universe: A John, Dave, and Amy Novel

St. Martin's Press
432 pages

“If the broken neon signs, shuttered storefronts, and sub-standard housing didn’t tip you off, you’ve just wandered into the city of ‘Undisclosed’. You don’t want to be caught dead here, because odds are you just might find yourself rising from the grave.”

~ the publisher

Care: How People of Faith Can Respond to Our Broken Health System

174 pages

“Through the stories of people too often ignored or dehumanized, Dr. Morris addresses the financial and social barriers to health care for low-income and undocumented individuals, the lack of affordable medications, the challenges of chronic disease and behavioral health issues, and the promising outcomes of faith-based care that treats the whole person.” 

~ the publisher


Grand Central Publishing
480 pages

“Chief medical examiner Kay Scarpetta is the reluctant star witness in a sensational murder trial when she receives shocking news. The judge’s sister has been found dead.”

~ the publisher

James Meredith: Breaking the Barrier

Yoknapatawpha Press
162 pages

“Ten former students, journalists, historians and eye-witnesses tell the story of James Meredith’s turbulent but successful path to become the state’s first African American to graduate from the University of Mississippi.”

~ the publisher

The Worried Wiseman

Morehouse Publishing
48 pages

“In these days when we all live with some sense of worry and anxiety, the book offers to children–and parents–a way to think about how we make the journey through life together and how we find calm and hope even when things feel uncertain.”

~ the publisher


Wet Cement Press
89 pages

“Troubled and troubling, these beautiful poems speak bravely into the winds of history. They ask unanswerable questions, struggle to say something that refuses to be said, but in that failure discover a deeply human and habitable space, something worth living for.”

~ the publisher

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