A Publication of Humanities Tennessee

Word for Word

BMG Books
248 pages

“In this disarmingly intimate look at Crowell’s songs, he shares pages from his lyric notebooks, personal photographs, and scribbles that reveal the heart of one of this generation’s finest songwriters.”

~ the publisher

Secrets of the Nile: A Lady Emily Mystery

Minotaur Books
320 pages

“In a brilliant homage to Agatha Christie, critically acclaimed author Tasha Alexander sends Lady Emily to Egypt during British colonial rule to investigate a crime that leads back to the era of the Pharaohs.” 

~ the publisher

When Hell Came to Sharpsburg: The Battle of Antietam and its Impact on the Civilians Who Called it Home

Savas Beatie
552 pages

“Cowie carefully and meticulously follows fortunes of individual families like the Mummas, Roulettes, Millers, and many others—ordinary folk thrust into harrowing circumstances—and their struggle to recover from their unexpected and often devastating losses.”

~ the publisher

The Grandest Stage: A History of the World Series

336 pages

“What’s it like to manage in the World Series, and what are the secrets of building a champion? Kepner celebrates unexpected heroes like Bill Wambsganss, who pulled off an unassisted triple play in 1920, probes the mysteries behind magic moments (Did Babe Ruth call his shot in 1932? How could Eckersley walk Mike Davis to get to Kirk Gibson in 1988?) and busts some long-time myths (the 1919 Reds were much better than the Black Sox, anyway).” 

~ the publisher

A Bend of Light: A Novel

Lake Union Publishing
400 pages

“Immersing readers squarely in a 1950s coastal town in Maine, Joy Jordan-Lake deftly draws out mysteries, schemes, romance, and a murder that pulls her characters back together.” 

~ Kimberly Brock, award-winning author of The Lost Book of Eleanor Dare

Yellow Dog Blues

Eerdmans Books for Young Readers
32 pages

“A historical journey, an exploration of blues music, and an exciting new technique for a Caldecott-winning artist come together in this unique artistic exploration.” 

~ Booklist

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