MOTIF vol. 2 - Come What May: An Anthology of Writings About Chance
324 pages
“MOTIF v2: COME WHAT MAY (an anthology of writings about CHANCE) is the second book in the MOTIF anthology series from publisher MotesBooks. Each piece in this collection uses CHANCE as a theme in works of fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and song lyrics. Contributors include Joseph Bathanti, Cathy Smith Bowers, Barbara Crooker, Randall Horton, Silas House, Marilyn Kallet, George Ella Lyon, Karen Salyer McElmurray, Michael McFee, Alan McMonagle, Jim Minick, Noel Smith, Frank X Walker and Dana Wildsmith. Reviewer Janice Eidus says: ‘With remarkable insight and intelligence, 136 talented writers across a broad spectrum of geography, generations and genres delve deeply into the meaning and nature of synchronicity, coincidence, luck, fate, bashert and kismet – and the very enigma of human existence.’ From reviewer Neela Vaswani: ‘Here are brief encounters that sprout generations; split seconds of ruin; sudden migrations, lust, and strife. These pieces remind us to cling to life’s lessons with grace and humor.’”
–From the Publisher