A Publication of Humanities Tennessee

The Ways We Get By

Black Lawrence Press
190 pages

“With equal measures of hilarity and heartache, Joe Dornich collects the stories of America’s middle-class cast-offs: the under-employed, the under-appreciated, and most devastatingly, the under-loved.” 

~ Jenny Irish, author of Tooth Box 

Through the Mountains: The French Broad River and Time

The University of Tennessee Press
283 pages

“…For 14,000 years the French Broad and its tributaries have nurtured human habitation. What must we start doing now to ensure it will continue to nourish future generations?”

~ from the publisher


Sleeping Bear Press
32 pages

“… Monday tries his best to get people to like him, but Monday is just not cut out for Sunday’s naps or Thursday’s frantic energy. Finally, he decides to just not show up at all. But when the other days start looking more and more like Monday himself, Monday realizes that everyone has a job to do in a week.”

~ from the publisher

John Lewis: The Last Interview and Other Conversations

Melville House
176 pages

“Featuring interviews of civil rights activist and congressman John Lewis at almost every stage of his career, this collection illustrates why Lewis has become a human rights icon and remains an inspiration to activists today.”

~ from the publisher

Sustaining Democracy: What We Owe to the Other Side

Oxford University Press
184 pages

“Drawing on extensive social science research concerning political polarization and partisan identity, Robert B. Talisse argues that when we break off civil interactions with our political opponents, we imperil relations with our political allies.”

~ from the publisher

Labor Days, Labor Nights: More Stories

Bottom Dog Press
210 pages

“Studded with unforgettable characters, Labor County is as fully realized a place as Faulkner’s Yoknapatawpha. Grab your ticket and go!”

~Marie Manilla, author of The Patron Saint of Ugly 

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