A Publication of Humanities Tennessee

The Diary of Serepta Jordan

Univ Tennessee Press
499 pages

“This book will be of immense value to historians of the secession crisis and Civil War in the Upper South, and it will shed new light on the lives of women and families experiencing the trials of war and emancipation.” 

-Aaron Astor

The Relentless Moon

Tor Trade
544 pages

“A fine balance of integrating historical accuracy―including mid-twentieth-century sexism, racism, and technology―with speculative storytelling.”

In the Hands of the People

Random House
112 pages

“This curated collection revitalizes how to see an individual’s role in the world, as it explores such Jeffersonian concepts as religious freedom, the importance of a free press, public education, participation in government, and others.”

-from the publisher

Liars, Damn Liars, and Storytellers

Univ Tennessee Press

“Sobol takes us to meet the people, visit the scenes, and hear the voices of storytellers past and present. His writing is vivid, engaging, generous, and intimate. This collection is a gift to the storytelling world.”

-Annette Simmons, author of The Story Factor

Sky Ranch

240 pages

“A city girl is uprooted and moved to the farm, where she must overcome her fears and learn to live life in a rougher way.”

-from the publisher

Bread for Words: A Frederick Douglass Story

Sleeping Bear Press
32 pages

“This is a perfect book for any historical unit or celebration of Black History Month”

-Picture Books for Learning

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