A Publication of Humanities Tennessee

Change of Seasons

St. Martin's Press
400 pages

“His story stands on its own, and it’s one that Oates delights in telling. . . . A charming, almost breezy retrospective. . . . Change Of Seasons is Oates’ moment in the spotlight, which he handles with aplomb.”

AV Club

Situation Momedy

Medallion Press
472 pages

“Filled with the humor and reassurance only a best friend can offer, this book will guide moms through the topsy-turvy world of life with toddlers.”

-from the Publisher

The Carroll Farm Fight

Five Star Publishing
212 pages

“Living at a frontier crossroads can have unexpected perils, especially when war is afoot.”

-from the Publisher

Death of a Rhinestone Cowboy

Two Creeks Press
270 pages

“Jenna Brown captures the atmosphere of Music Row better than any other novelist I’ve ever read. I recognize the places, people, and events she describes. This is a terrific book.”

-Fred Koller

Death of a Rhinestone Cowboy 

Words from the Hill

240 pages

“Stu G has successfully penned a book on the Beatitudes that is teeming with wisdom, heart, and practical insights. Never has the world felt more riven and ready for this fresh take on Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount. Blessed are those who read this divinely timed book.”

-Ian Morgan Cron, Bestselling author

Super Sport

Underground Voices
122 pages

Super Sport takes you to the heart of its characters and lets you listen in on what life brings to them, with all their regrets and all their hopes, and you will miss those characters when you turn the last page of the book.” 

-Sand Pilarski, Pike Press Editor

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