A Publication of Humanities Tennessee

Letters from the Farm

Morehouse Publishing
160 pages

“Following simple road signs like courage, humility, forgiveness, compassion, and faithfulness that others have put at the crossroads for me has made the work possible and left me grateful. I want to pass along through these letters a tradition of a priesthood that is grounded in the idea that love heals and healing is the central-most sacrament of the church”

–From the author

Letters from the Farm

Clear by Fire

352 pages

“Clear by Fire is a blistering new military thriller about an American hero who, in order to clear his name, must take” down a highly classified band of soldiers that has gone murderously rogue.

–From the publisher

Clear by Fire

Diamond Legacy

Lyrical Press
272 pages

“Matt and Miranda will have to work together if they want to save Katanga, and both of their lives, before it’s too late.”

–From the publisher

Diamond Legacy

Silfa, A Fairy Tale

Taylor and Seale Publishers
146 pages

“Nadler has captured the childhood fantasy of fairies with a story which helps you escape into the world you remember believing in as a child. Children and adults will enjoy immersing themselves in the story, anxious to know how it will end . . . and yet reluctant to let go.”

–From the publisher

Silfa, A Fairy Tale

The Great Melding

University Alabama Press
400 pages

“Feldman’s work is an impressive dissection of the southern break from the national Democratic Party, superbly delineating in exhaustive detail the origins of the 1948 Dixiecrat Movement as a precursor to the Republican Party’s dominance in the South. “

—Robert Bruno, author of Steelworker Alley

The Great Melding

The Civil War Along Tennessee’s Cumberland Plateau

Arcadia Publishing
192 pages

“Tennessee’s Cumberland Plateau played host to some of the most dramatic military maneuvering of the Civil War. Straddling the entire state of Tennessee, the formidable tableland proved to be a maze of topographical pitfalls and a morass of divided loyalties. “

–From the publisher

The Civil War Along Tennessee’s Cumberland Plateau

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