A Publication of Humanities Tennessee

Small Mercies

By delving into intimate moments of her characters’ lives, Johnson City writer Shuly Xóchitl Cawood taps a deep well of compassion in her story collection, A Small Thing to Want.

Rediscovering the Delta

Lost Delta Found, edited by Robert Gordon and Bruce Nemerov, uncovers a long-lost account of the lives and music of African Americans in the Mississippi Delta region.

The Self Without Boundary

In What Is the Grass: Walt Whitman in My Life, celebrated poet and memoirist Mark Doty explores the life and prophetic influence of Walt Whitman. 

Honoring the Struggle

In a powerful collection of essays, MTSU professor Fred Arroyo remembers his immigrant father and considers his own evolution as a writer.

Chaotic, Mysterious, Unfathomable

The latest offering from iconic Southern writer Lee Smith is Blue Marlin, a sweet and funny novella loosely based on her family. Smith says in an afterword, “Of all the stories I’ve ever written, this one is dearest to me, capturing the essence of my own childhood.”

An Eloquent Migration Story

Yuyi Morales’ bestselling, award-winning picture book is a true tale of immigration and the transformative power of finding one’s creative voice.

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