A Publication of Humanities Tennessee

Secrets and Shamrocks

Five Star Publishing
301 pages

“Gobbell brings the Provence backdrop to vivid life while dropping enough clues to keep readers focused on the mystery involved.”


Secrets and Shamrocks

Ravening on Ahead

In The Destroyer in the Glass, poet Noah Warren calmly considers the great mysteries of life and death. He will read at Vanderbilt University in Nashville on November 1 at 7 p.m. The event, part of the Gertrude Vanderbilt and Harold S. Vanderbilt Visiting Writers Series, is free and open to the public.

Beyond “Good Girls”

goodgirls_final_highres_smPushing past the pressure to be perfect daughters, the writers in Good Girls Marry Doctors provide a multifaceted look at women who are moving beyond and even reconstructing cultural and familial expectations. Editor Piyali Bhattacharya will discuss Good Girls Marry Doctors at Parnassus Books in Nashville on October 25 at 6:30 p.m.

Parallel Lives

Yaa Gyasi’s debut novel, Homegoing, follows the story of two half-sisters born in Ghana in the late-eighteenth century. Effia becomes the “African wife” of a British colonial governor, while Esi is captured by a rival tribe and sold into slavery. Gyasi will appear at the Southern Festival of Books, held in Nashville October 14-16, 2016.

Still So Far from Safe

If I Was Your Girl_final cover (2)Meredith Russo’s powerful YA novel, If I Was Your Girl, is extraordinary not because of the events it depicts but because of its point of view: that of an emotionally fragile transgender teen struggling to survive the ruthless world of high school. Russo will appear at the Southern Festival of Books, held in Nashville October 14-16, 2016.

The Rent Eats First

high res cover9780553447439 (1)Matthew Desmond’s Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City is an extraordinary account of renters and landlords in Milwaukee. It forces the reader to understand the urban housing market as not just a consequence but also a cause of poverty. Desmond will be at the Southern Festival of Books, held in Nashville October 14-16, 2016. Festival events are free and open to the public.

The Rent Eats First

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