A Publication of Humanities Tennessee

New Book from Falconer

Blas Falconer releases second poetry collection The Foundling Wheel

November 2, 2012 Four Way Books has released a new collection of poems from Blas Falconer, Coordinator for the Creative Writing Program at Austin Peay State University in Clarksville. The Foundling Wheel is the second collection from Falconer, who has received an NEA Fellowship, the Maureen Egen Writers Exchange Award, and a Tennessee Individual Artist Grant. The poems in The Foundling Wheel explore the joys and struggles involved in Falconer’s experience of adopting a son. According to Phyllis Levin’s review, these poems create “a book of homecoming, a journey whose course follows flickering signs and thrilling undercurrents to arrive at a joy ‘without likeness or memory.’” To hear Falconer read several poems from The Foundling Wheel on the Poets and Writers website, click here.

For Chapter 16’s Q&A with Falconer about Mentor and Muse, a collection of essays by poets which he co-edited, click here, and here to read a poem from Falconer’s previous collection A Question of Gravity and Light. Chapter 16’s review of The Foundling Wheel will appear later this month.