Chapter 16
A Community of Tennessee Writers, Readers & Passersby

Recipes for Survival

Chantha Nguon’s Slow Noodles turns dark history into hope

the rules for ration queues, which include “Do not question the logic of the ration queue. There is none,” and “Do not question the Party’s definition of need.” There were…

Good Fortune

It was a weirdly specific message to get from a cookie

…woman with limited work experience and perhaps not the highest level of personal confidence at the time. Then, miracle of miracles, my friend Kyra found the perfect job posted by…

Deception, War, … Murder?

Gerry Wilson’s debut novel explores the insidious nature of generational lies

…aunt who is a little person with physical deformities. Through the alternating perspectives, we learn many of the secrets in the town and the negative effects these secrets have on…

The Beauty in Descending

Karen Outen’s Dixon, Descending brings to life two brothers with a costly ambition 

…pay Nepalese sherpas and alpine guides to take them to the summit. Seeing the cockiness and blind self-assuredness of their fellow clients paints a stark dichotomy with the alpinists they…

The Safest Place in the World

Alan Gratz’s new novel for young readers explores the events of December 7, 1941

…sailors, the contributions of women and people of color, and the inexcusable treatment of Japanese Americans in the aftermath of the attack, including the consequences for Stanley and his family….