Chapter 16
A Community of Tennessee Writers, Readers & Passersby

Solving the World’s Problems, One Child at a Time

Nicholas D. Kristof talks with Chapter 16 about the much-anticipated sequel to his bestselling book, Half the Sky

…a sequel of sorts, A Path Appears: Transforming Lives, Creating Opportunity, which looks at scores of cases where people from all corners of life—from suburban California to the slums of…

A Troubled King

Tavis Smiley talks with Chapter 16 about the final year of MLK’s life

…noted co-author of autobiographies of music icons like Ray Charles and B.B. King, to write Death of a King: The Real Story of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s Final Year….

The John le Carré of Civil-War Espionage

Karen Abbott talks with Chapter 16 about her new work of nonfiction, Liar, Temptress, Soldier, Spy

…greater danger than operating a spy ring in the federal capital. Structurally, it was a challenge to piece it all together, to intertwine their stories into a cohesive whole. Even…

Freedom Turns Fifty

In The Bill of the Century, Clay Risen explores the fascinating twists and turns of groundbreaking civil-rights legislation

…for the good of the nation. While any serious effort at civil-rights legislation had seemed all but dead in 1961, Risen notes that Attorney General Robert Kennedy began using an…

John Seigenthaler, 1927-2014

Legendary journalist John Seigenthaler has died at his home in Nashville

…But his journalistic efforts on behalf of social justice were only just beginning: he went on to become a forceful voice for civil rights and First Amendment freedoms alike. As…