A Publication of Humanities Tennessee

The World According to Memory

Minrose Gwin’s bewitching novel, Beautiful Dreamers, covers a lot of ground: lost innocence and found strength, the gifts life takes away and the gifts it gives in return, the lies that hold you back and the lies you run toward. But most of all, it’s about a mother and a daughter and the connection that never lets you go.

Ghosting with Gertrude

In Ghostwriter, author and publisher Lawrence Wells embarks on an improbable journey: serving as ghostwriter to a University of Mississippi benefactor determined to prove that Edward de Vere wrote the plays attributed to William Shakespeare. Wells will appear at the 2024 Southern Festival of Books in Nashville, October 26-27.

Everyone a Spy, Everything a Threat

Fans of Lauren Thoman’s debut novel, I’ll Stop the World, will likely enjoy You Shouldn’t Be Here, an eerie new offering that is equal parts ghost story and crime thriller. Thoman will appear at the 2024 Southern Festival of Books in Nashville, October 26-27.

He Would’ve Said Goodbye

“It’s kinda hard to hunt for a murderer,” declares young Chloe Alvarez, “when you don’t want to remember that a person is dead.” Chloe is the narrator and main character of Nashville writer Kristin O’Donnell Tubb’s latest middle-grade novel, Fowl Play, and she is desperate to know what really happened to her Uncle Will. Fowl Play is scheduled for release on July 30, and a launch event will be held at the Nashville Zoo at Grassmere on August 2.

He Would’ve Said Goodbye

Different Worlds

Susan Beckham Zurenda’s new novel, The Girl from the Red Rose Motel, examines the challenges faced by high school lovers from opposite sides of the tracks in small-town South Carolina. Zurenda will be the keynote speaker for the 2024 Clarksville Writers Conference at Austin Peay State University on June 5-7.

The Best-Laid Plans

With Colton Gentry’s Third Act, award-winning YA author Jeff Zentner tries his hand at adult contemporary romance with a Southern flair. Zentner will appear in conversation with Silas House and David Arnold at Parnassus Books in Nashville on April 30.