Chapter 16
A Community of Tennessee Writers, Readers & Passersby

Writers in the Red

Bidding begins today at online auction Writers for the Red Cross

…literary scene, including thriller author Dan Brown, literary novelist Ann Patchett, literary nonfiction author Rebecca Skloot, and children’s author Rosemary Wells, among many, many others. In an interview today at…

Beautiful Boy

Knoxville television station airs documentary on the life of a young drug addict

…wrote Granju on her blog after viewing the special at the station last week. “While it was almost unbearably painful to watch, I also left the station last night knowing…


…told my wife last night, that one day, if we have a little land      in the country, with the barn and animals and all that get-up,           I’d like to have…

Book Excerpt: Kingfisher Days

Each Page a Ghost

…As invisible as Chesterton’s mailman in that story, you know that story. Then a winter day they barter singularity, reply to dusk in twos and threes and merge into plural

Week Links

Check out all the places Tennessee writers have appeared online in the past week

…scanners and screening devices aren’t available but skilled doctors can diagnose—and treat—a host of illnesses simply through careful physical examination. As a physician on the faculty of the Stanford University…

Detour in Tennessee

The Academy of American Poets honors Kimiko Hahn’s poem about Sweetwater Caverns

June 3, 2010 Today’s poem at, an online publication of the Academy of American Poets, is “The Sweetwater Caverns” by Kimiko Hahn. As with much of Hahn’s work, the…