A Publication of Humanities Tennessee

Southern Graces

In Social Justice from Outside the Walls, Ann Youngblood Mulhearn tells the story of six Catholic women — three Black, three white — whose activism changed Memphis in the 1950s and 1960s. An engaging and well-told book, it combines religious, political, and African American history to add a key dimension to a city that stood at the heart of the struggle for social justice.  

Southern Graces

Piracy and Power

Angela Sutton’s Pirates of the Slave Trade weaves together biographies of fascinating figures, tales of maritime warfare, and analyses of politics and power in Europe and West Africa — with implications for the system of slavery that shaped the United States.

Piracy and Power

What is “the South”?

A New History of the American South collects interpretations of Southern history into a coherent, fascinating narrative. Its editor, Fitzhugh Brundage, will discuss the book at the 2023 Southern Festival of Books in Nashville on October 21-22.

What is “the South”?

Learning from the Lady Lovers

In The Famous Lady Lovers, Cookie Woolner excavates the communities built by Black queer women in the interwar era. Woolner will discuss the book at Novel in Memphis on September 12.

Learning from the Lady Lovers

Rights and Revolutions

FROM THE CHAPTER 16 ARCHIVE: In Liberty and Union, Rhodes College professor Timothy S. Huebner brings together an enormous body of scholarship on the secession crisis, Civil War, and Reconstruction, compelling us to reconsider what we think we know about the era.

Rights and Revolutions

Reaching Others at a Deeper Level

FROM THE CHAPTER 16 ARCHIVE: It’s in the Action, the posthumous memoir by civil rights legend C.T. Vivian, reveals a life of extraordinary vision, conscience, and discipline.