A Publication of Humanities Tennessee
Ghosts and Strangers

Ghosts and Strangers

A Brussels building becomes a refuge from the inhumanity of war In Alice Austen’s 33 Place Brugmann

In Alice Austen’s debut novel, 33 Place Brugmann, residents of a Brussels apartment building resist the German occupation by preserving art, beauty, and kindness. Austen will discuss 33 Place Brugmann at Parnassus Books in Nashville on March 13.

Song of My Songs

Song of My Songs

A Black gay storyteller comes of age in Isaac’s Song by Daniel Black



Bridgett M. Davis remembers her sister’s strength and struggles in Love, Rita

What the Long Poem Says About Me

What the Long Poem Says About Me

Tiana Clark takes emotional and formal risks in Scorched Earth

“Poem for a Chattanooga Night Club”

“Poem for a Chattanooga Night Club”

Book Excerpt: Him or Her or Whatever

Ways to Support the Work

Chapter 16, launched in October 2009, is an online journal about books, writers, and literary events in Tennessee and serves as the state affiliate of the Center for the Book at the Library of Congress.

We cover novels set here; histories involving Tennessee events or locations; authors who live here, were born or educated here; and out-of-state writers when they give readings or participate in book signings anywhere in the state. We also publish original poems and essays by prominent Tennessee authors (including previews of their works in progress).

Your donations help us continue to engage in the stories of the past and present to build a better future for Tennesseans. Contributions help make Chapter16 possible and ensure it remains free for the community. Individual gifts, foundation grants, and corporate sponsorships help connect communities through shared stories and allow us all to build a better future for all Tennesseans.