Chapter 16
A Community of Tennessee Writers, Readers & Passersby

Proud to Represent Team Ill-Fitting Burlap Sack

Tracy Moore’s new pregnancy guide is an irreverent, hilarious look at modern parenthood

…you of all the untold horrors that can happen with pregnancy while never giving you the emotional release of just wallowing for a minute in the absurdity of it all….

Spinning Ariadne

Tracy Barrett’s retelling of the Theseus myth subverts ancient tradition—and will delight young readers

…tribute to King Minos of Crete. In Crete, he penetrates the Labyrinth, kills the fabled Minotaur (the monstrous offspring of the Cretan queen Pasiphaë and a bull), and escapes with…

Epic Achievement

Tracy Barrett’s brilliant reimagining of the Odyssey is a treat for young-adult readers

…primitive, ancient strangeness. Although humans mix casually with mythical creatures, all are firmly grounded in the physical world, which is nasty, brutish, and filthy. The oracle whom Telemachos consults before…

Sherlock Holmes: The Fifth Generation

Tracy Barrett introduces kids to the descendants of the world’s greatest detective

…would star in a series of detective stories, of course. Meet Xena and Xander Holmes of The Sherlock Files, by Nashvillian Tracy Barrett. The third book of the series, The…