A Publication of Humanities Tennessee

Be Careful What You Wish For

into-white-coverRandi Pink’s debut novel, Into White, is a Cinderella story that goes haywire when Jesus himself decides to grant a black girl’s prayer to become white. Pink will appear at the Southern Festival of Books, held in Nashville October 14-16.

Memphis as Microcosm

Prior to his readings at The Booksellers at Laurelwood in Memphis, Barnes & Noble Vanderbilt, and the Southern Festival of Books, Commercial Appeal reporter Daniel Connolly talks with Chapter 16 about The Book of Isaias: A Child of Hispanic Immigrants Seeks His Own America. The interview is available in three formats: text, podcast, and streaming audio.

Her Own Strangeness

Miss JaneBrad Watson’s Miss Jane follows the life of Jane Chisolm—a woman born in 1915 Mississippi with a genital abnormality—in a character study which also illuminates the rich internal terrain of those who know her best. Brad Watson will discuss Miss Jane at the Southern Festival of Books, held in Nashville October 14-16. Festival events are free and open to the public.

Hidden Homelessness

schweid_invisible-nation-jacket-imageIn his ninth book, Invisible Nation: Homeless Families in America, Richard Schweid surveys the plight of homeless children in five cities and considers possible solutions. Schweid will appear at the Southern Festival of Books, held in Nashville October 14-16.

Out of Time

a-world-without-you-hi-res-jacket-art“It’s dangerous to dwell in the past. You don’t have to be a time traveler to know that,” says the protagonist of A World Without You, the latest YA novel by Beth Revis. As it happens, this character is a time traveler, so he would know. Revis will appear at the Southern Festival of Books, held in Nashville October 14-16. Festival events are free and open to the public.

“Tornado Warning”

Everything in the Universe Cover.inddEverything in the Universe is Amy Wright’s first full-length poetry collection. She is also the author of five chapbooks and Cracker Sonnets, a handbook of pop-culture Americana in verse, and is the co-author, with William Wright, of Creeks of the Upper South, a lyric reflection on changing waterways and cultural habitats. She will appear at the Southern Festival of Books, held in Nashville October 14-16. Festival events are free and open to the public.

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