A Publication of Humanities Tennessee

“Steve’s Short-Sleeve Shirt”

FROM THE CHAPTER 16 ARCHIVE: Earl S. Braggs is a UC Foundation and Battle Professor of English at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga. His awards include the International Jack Kerouac Literary Prize and the Anhinga Poetry Prize. Obama’s Children is his 15th collection of poetry.

Of Berries and Death

Margaret Renkl’s The Comfort of Crows is a literary devotional that moves through a year of beauty, joy, and grief in the teeming natural world of Renkl’s own backyard. The book includes 52 original color artworks by Billy Renkl and will be published by Spiegel & Grau in October 2023.

“To the Aliens, Letter #4”

Amie Whittemore was the 2020-2021 Poet Laureate of Murfreesboro and an Academy of American Poets Laureate Fellow. She teaches at Middle Tennessee State University, where she directs MTSU Write.


FROM THE CHAPTER 16 ARCHIVE: Former Knoxvillian Tom Lombardo is a poet, essayist, and freelance medical writer who lives in Midtown Atlanta. His poems have appeared in Southern Poetry Review, Ambit, Hampden-Sydney Poetry Review, and New York Quarterly, among others. He is the editor of an anthology, After Shocks: The Poetry of Recovery for Life Shattering Events, and is the poetry series editor for Press 53. His M.F.A. is from Queens University of Charlotte. 

“The Orb Weaver’s Song”

Fight or Flight is the third poetry collection by Nashville native Andrew McFadyen-Ketchum. He’ll appear at Parnassus Books in Nashville on March 16.

Alexander van der Pool

Set in a West Tennessee town, James E. Cherry’s Edge of the Wind explores the connection between jazz and poetry — and between racism and mental illness. The novel, originally published in 2016, has been reissued in a new edition with a foreword by Charles Dodd White.

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