A Publication of Humanities Tennessee

Heartbreak at the Core

September 22, 2015 Lauren Groff’s third novel, Fates and Furies, is part love story, part tragedy, and part black comedy. It surveys the long marriage of a golden boy to a mystery girl and leaves the reader to ponder the possibility that a couple can love profoundly without ever really knowing each other at all. Groff will appear at the Southern Festival of Books, held in Nashville October 9-11, 2015.

Clear Cut

September 18, 2015 Set in early 1900s West Virginia, Matthew Neill Null’s debut novel, Honey from the Lion, is a gritty tale of an era when timber barons ripped a swath of destruction across the virgin forests to fuel an industrial revolution. Null will appear at the Southern Festival of Books, held in Nashville October 9-11, 2015.

A World of Dirty Secrets

September 15, 2015 In Purity, Jonathan Franzen creates a distinctly fallen world: motives are always mixed, and altruistic intentions are corrupted by selfishness. Franzen will read from his ironically titled novel in Ingram Hall at the Blair School of Music at Vanderbilt University in Nashville on September 23, 2015, at 6:15. p.m.

The Infinite Sea

The Infinite Sea

The Infinite Sea

Rick Yancey

G.P. Putnam's Sons Books for Young Readers
320 pages

“Heart-pounding pacing, lyrical prose and mind-bending twists . . .”

–The New York Times Book Review

100 Years of the Best American Short Stories

100 Years of the Best American Short Stories

100 Years of the Best American Short Stories

Lorrie Moore

Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
752 pages

“These forty stories represent their eras but also stand the test of time. Here is Ernest Hemingway’s first published story and a classic by William Faulkner, who admitted in his biographical note that he began to write “as an aid to love-making.” Nancy Hale’s story describes far-reaching echoes of the Holocaust; Tillie Olsen’s story expresses the desperation of a single mother; James Baldwin depicts the bonds of brotherhood and music. Here is Raymond Carver’s “minimalism,” a term he disliked, and Grace Paley’s “secular Yiddishkeit.””

–From the publisher

Clear by Fire

Clear by Fire

Clear by Fire

Joshua Hood

352 pages

“Clear by Fire is a blistering new military thriller about an American hero who, in order to clear his name, must take” down a highly classified band of soldiers that has gone murderously rogue.

–From the publisher

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