A Publication of Humanities Tennessee

Cracking the Code

FROM THE CHAPTER 16 ARCHIVE: Most Americans are familiar with the landmark civil-rights case Brown v. Board of Education. Less known is United States v. Lynd, the 1962 trial that paved the way for the Voting Rights Act of 1965. Count Them One by One: Black Mississippians Fighting for the Right to Vote is an account of the groundbreaking trial that put Hattiesburg, Mississippi, at the center of the civil-rights debate. Written by Gordon A. Martin, Jr., one of the Justice Department attorneys in the case, the book uses oral history, legal commentary, and first-person reportage to put readers on the front row of a trial that forever changed the nature of race relations in Mississippi and the South. 

Arguing For Democracy

FROM THE CHAPTER 16 ARCHIVE: In Why We Argue (and How We Should), Vanderbilt University philosophy professors Scott F. Aikin and Robert B. Talisse set ground rules for the kind of productive, democratic disagreement that they say is fundamental to a civil life. 

Arguing For Democracy

You Are What You Cook

FROM THE CHAPTER 16 ARCHIVE: In Cooked: A Natural History of Transformation, Michael Pollan apprentices himself to four culinary experts: a barbeque pit-master, a brazier, a baker, and a fermenter. By mastering their techniques, he writes, we can wrest the kitchen away from Big Food and reclaim both our food chain and our selves.  

You Are What You Cook

Capital Offense

June 22, 2015 A Nashville teacher, writer, and anti-death-penalty activist, Joseph B. Ingle has sat at the side of too many condemned men to count. His new book, Slouching Toward Tyranny, indicts not only the death penalty but also the systemic racism behind it.

Collective Cooking

June 24, 2014 Nancy Vienneau seeks to elevate the humble potluck supper beyond images of folding chairs and jello molds. Her Third Thursday Community Potluck Cookbook: Recipes and Stories to Celebrate the Bounty of the Moment features the best of the Third Thursday Community Potluck, a near-legendary Nashville group that revels in creative, seasonal, and fresh menu items. Vienneau will discuss and sign Third Thursday Community Potluck Cookbook at Parnassus Books in Nashville on June 25, 2014, at 6:30 p.m.

Collective Cooking

Farewell, Sammy

June 10, 2014 By his death in 1990, Sammy Davis Jr. was one of the world’s most recognizable personalities. Show business was the only life he knew, and he worked extremely hard at it. During his sixties, throat cancer finally slowed Davis down, and he was able to spend time with his daughter, Tracey. Along with personal and historic photographs, these intimate discussions make up the bulk of Sammy Davis Jr.: A Personal Journey with My Father, Tracey Davis’s new memoir. Tracey Davis will discuss the book at Barnes & Noble Booksellers in Brentwood on June 16, 2014, at 7 p.m.

Farewell, Sammy