Chapter 16
A Community of Tennessee Writers, Readers & Passersby

Cracking the Code

Gordon A. Martin revisits United States v. Lynd, the civil rights case that forever changed the South

FROM THE CHAPTER 16 ARCHIVE: In conjunction with Humanities Tennessee’s exhibition tour of Voices and Votes: Democracy in America, Chapter 16 is revisiting coverage of notable books on civil rights and the foundations of…

Building Momentum

Michael Connelly discusses his popular detective series, his journalism background, and the future of the book

FROM THE CHAPTER 16 ARCHIVE: This interview originally appeared on February 17, 2010. *** “If you’re fortunate, as I have been, and you the get the opportunity to write a…


Blas Falconer is an assistant professor at Austin Peay State University, where he serves as the poetry editor of Zone 3 Magazine and Zone 3 Press. Falconer received his M.F.A….

Happiness Is a Sad Song

Dr. Ralph Stanley discusses his 63 years in music

When he was a child, he was often called “the boy with the hundred year old voice.” At 82, Dr. Ralph Stanley remains younger than the sound of his singing…

Engaging Ontogeny—and Animal Sex

Michael Sims discusses biological and literary creativity

Where do babies come from? It may be a child’s question, but the answer is far from simple, especially if we consider the baby-making processes of the whole animal kingdom,…

Teaching and Unteaching—and Entertaining All the Way

For more than three decades, Patricia McKissack has been writing children’s books that bring to life the stories, and the truth, of her ancestors

As she was coming of age in Nashville in the 1950s, there were many places Patricia McKissack was not allowed to go. She remembers hotels and restaurants that forbade African…