A Publication of Humanities Tennessee

“Poem for a Chattanooga Night Club”

FROM THE CHAPTER 16 ARCHIVE: Tyler Friend was grown — and is still growing — in Tennessee and received their MFA from Vermont College of Fine Arts. Friend is the author of a poetry chapbook, BUNKER, and Him or Her or Whatever is their first full-length collection.

“Information Worker at the End of the World”

Stephanie Niu is a poet and writer from Marietta, Georgia. I Would Define the Sun, her first full-length poetry collection, won the inaugural Vanderbilt University Literary Prize. She is also the author of the chapbooks Survived By: An Atlas of Disappearance and She Has Dreamt Again of Water. Her work has appeared in The Georgia Review, The Missouri Review, Literary Hub, Copper Nickel, Ecotone, and elsewhere.

“Slime Mold”

Ray Zimmerman is a freelance journalist and creative writer living in Chattanooga. He spends time outdoors whenever he can and loves reading and writing about nature.

“A House in the Country”

FROM THE CHAPTER 16 ARCHIVE: Richard Tillinghast’s latest poetry collection, Blue If Only I Could Tell You, won the 27th annual White Pine Press Poetry Prize. 

“Star Epiphany”

Larry D. Thacker’s poetry, fiction, and nonfiction have appeared in Poetry South, Appalachian Journal, Still: The Journal, and Pikeville Review, among other publications. His 2021 story collection, Working It Off in Labor County, was published by West Virginia University Press. He lives in Johnson City, Tennessee.

“There Is a Snake”

Bess Cooley is a winner of The Mississippi Review Poetry Prize, and her work has also appeared in Prairie Schooner, Western Humanities Review, and Verse Daily, among other publications. She is the co-founding editor of Peatsmoke Journal and teaches at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville.

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