A Publication of Humanities Tennessee

To Inhabit the World When the Music Stops

In The Weight of a Piano, novelist Chris Cander delivers a tale of generations and continents, a tragic love story, and a powerful meditation on the power of music—and of silence. Cander will appear at Parnassus Books in Nashville on February 1.

Profiteer and Prophet

Terry Roberts’s new novel, The Holy Ghost Speakeasy and Revival, is a lyrical, dreamlike meditation on faith and death. It’s also a page-turning yarn about a law-breaking, wife-stealing, moonshine-running “man of God.” Roberts will speak at the Mildred Haun Conference at Walters State Community College in Morristown on February 1 and at the Rose Glen Literary Festival in Sevierville on February 23.

Opening the Black Box

Dani Shapiro was unprepared for a routine DNA test’s stunning revelation: that her beloved father was not a biological relative. Her new memoir, Inheritance, tracks the fallout of these results, one surprising revelation after another. Shapiro will discuss Inheritance at Parnassus Books in Nashville on January 30.

The Hidden Heartbeat of Music City

Nashville’s reputation as the capital of the country-music industry belies the fact that some of the city’s deepest, richest musical veins trace back to Nashville’s African-American community. In Shake Your Hips, Randy Fox describes the canny conversion of art and commerce that led Ernie Young to found Excello Records, tapping into the hidden heartbeat of Music City and broadcasting it to the world.

Leaving White Supremacy

In Rising Out of Hatred, Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter Eli Saslow tells the story of Derek Black, a former white nationalist who now speaks out against racism. Saslow will give a free public lecture at the University of Memphis on January 23.

Mayhem in Memphis

The trip to Memphis was supposed to be healing for combat veteran Peter Ash. Then he gets on the wrong side of both a powerful gang and a psychotic white supremacist. Nick Petrie will discuss Tear It Down at Novel in Memphis on January 22.

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