A Publication of Humanities Tennessee

Projekt 1065

Scholastic Press
320 pages

A rare insider’s glimpse into the Hitler Youth: animated, well-researched, and thought-provoking.”

Kirkus Reviews

Projekt 1065

Zarathustra Stone

S.Ph. Press
149 pages

“The narrative explains imaginatively the origin of Nietzsche’s idea, not only its philosophical roots, but its biographical, emotional, and psychological sources as well.”

–From the Publisher

Zarathustra Stone

Salamanders of the Silk Road

Lanternfish Press LLC

“Prester John is a legend. He’s a relic of medieval folklore, a character from a series of garbled tales that span eras and continents like an epic game of telephone…Now, he’s an unemployed surreal estate agent headed down to a mildew-infested beach house off the coast of Florida, where he can brood over his past–and seek a way out of his endless existence.”

–From the Publisher

Salamanders of the Silk Road

Father Figure

282 pages

“What a remarkable, evocative book. Lamar Herrin is a consummate story-teller, and Father Figure is a richly imagined American story of patrimony and baseball and war and the inheritance of history’s wounds told with great physical immediacy and a seemingly effortless emotional intensity.”

–Philip Gourevitch, author of The Ballad of Abu Ghraib

Father Figure

The Chubby Vegetarian

Susan Schadt Press
272 pages

“I love keeping an eye on what Justin and Amy are doing — it’s never less than fascinating and always inspiring.

–Amanda Cohen, Chef-owner of Dirt Candy, an all-vegetable restaurant in New York City and author of Dirt Candy: A Cookbook 

ustin Fox Burks and Amy Lawrence, The Chubby Vegetarian

Standing the Final Watch

Dingbat Publishing
246 pages

“Stalked by assassins bent on seizing his command for their own purposes, Angriff has to prepare for war while avoiding murder. Because the only wall still shielding survivors from slavery and death are the men and women of The Last Brigade.”

–From the Publisher

Standing the Final Watch

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