A Publication of Humanities Tennessee

Killer Kickoff

There’s still time to sign up for the Killer Nashville conference, which takes place this weekend

August 23, 2012 Killer Nashville, a yearly “Conference for Thriller, Suspense, and Mystery Writers and Literature Lovers” begins today at the Hutton Hotel in downtown Nashville. Registration is still available for this conference that, “Unlike other conferences and seminars… offers five different learning tracks for those with varied interests and experience levels: a Writing Track, a Publishing Track, a Career Management & Promotion Track, a Forensic Track, and a Fan Track,” according to its website.

Chris Scott, writing for Chapter 16, made this observation of a previous Killer Nashville conference: “Killer Nashville promised the opportunity to learn the ropes of mystery writing and publishing. The seminars and panel discussions would be hosted by real-live authors, agents, and even acquisitions editors from publishers looking for new authors. With the inside information would come the ability to make contacts, those most sought-after of a writer’s assets.” This year’s conference looks to be just as fruitful as those in previous years, with Guests of Honor including New York Times Bestsellers C.J. Box, Heywood Gould, and Peter Straub.

Read the rest of Chris Scott’s experience at Killer Nashville here.