A Publication of Humanities Tennessee

Martin Luther King Congressional Cover-Up: The Railroading of James Earl Ray

Martin Luther King Congressional Cover-Up: The Railroading of James Earl Ray

Martin Luther King Congressional Cover-Up: The Railroading of James Earl Ray

John Emison

Pelican Publishing
304 pages

“Finally, nearly a half century after the crime, comes a fascinating and convincing case that the criminal justice system did indeed ‘railroad’ James Earl Ray as a lone assassin of Martin Luther King. That Ray acted alone out of racial hatred has always been unbelievable.” -James Squires, former editor for the Chicago Tribune “Excellent book. Finally someone has explained why James Earl Ray could not be convicted as the lone assassin. Emison has gone beyond the role of Ray’s lawyers. He bases his theory and his conclusions on facts rather than on convenient but unsupported speculation.”

–Arthur J. Hanes Jr., legal defense for James Earl Ray

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