A Publication of Humanities Tennessee

Murfreesboro: Then and Now

Murfreesboro: Then and Now

Murfreesboro: Then and Now

Bill Shacklett and John Lodl

Arcadia Publishing
96 pages

“Years ago Shacklett’s Photography founder Richard Shacklett began collecting pictures. Some were his own work; others were found or brought in to his shop. He amassed more than 30,000 images he considered of significance. His children, who now run the Shacklett’s business, turned the collection over to the Rutherford County Archives, where Lodl is director…From these images, 82 were chosen to be published for the book. Then Lodl and Shacklett painstakingly re-shot the photos as the city looks today from the same locations and angles, and even time of day, as the originals. Those additional 82 photos were paired up to create the meat of Murfreesboro: Then and Now.

— Gordon Belt, The Posterity Project

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