“My World and Welcome to It”
Book Excerpt: Madstones
My World and Welcome to It
In one Twilight Zone
a couple find themselves
in a faux world:
faux tree, sawdust squirrel,
empty buildings. Turns
out it’s a doll house
and they are prisoners of
a giant child. I did
not need this denouement.
I don’t expect the world
to live for me, the
tree to make syrup, the
neighbors to be available
in my solitude. I am free
from the fear of giant
rulers. I am carefree in
this world of hollow props
and inanimate wildlife. On the
way home I kick over a policeman.
Copyright (c) 2018 by Corey Mesler. All rights reserved. Corey Mesler has been published in numerous anthologies and journals, including Poetry, Gargoyle, Five Points, and New Stories from the South. He is the author of many books of both fiction and poetry. With his wife, Cheryl Mesler, he runs Burke’s Book Store in Memphis.