Chapter 16
A Community of Tennessee Writers, Readers & Passersby

Love and Danger on the Oregon Trail

Leanne W. Smith explores the hardships and hardiness of Western settlers after the Civil War

…merciless sun.” Smith also illustrates the hardships for women as they try to do all their normal household chores in wagons and on the ground. But for Abigail there are…

The Birth of Black Power

Historian Aram Goudsouzian talks with Chapter 16 about the fiftieth anniversary of James Meredith’s March Against Fear

…Goudsouzian: The civil-rights movement had long featured political disputes and organizational rivalries. Different organizations had different philosophies for pursuing justice, from the NAACP’s hierarchical, legal approach to SNCC’s radical re-envisioning…

Contracts with the Devil

In Jennifer Haigh’s new novel, Heat and Light, energy companies choose profits over safety

…of all the forces at work in environmental disasters. The novel is set in Bakerton, Pennsylvania, in the Saxon Valley, a region that has been sustained by the energy industry…

Different Drums

Writing as E.F. Abbott, children’s author Kristin O’Donnell Tubb transforms a legend into a lesson in John Lincoln Clem: Civil War Drummer Boy

…writes on the first page, signaling that this book will be far more than a chronological retelling of a young Civil War soldier’s history. Lessons of character appear throughout the…