Chapter 16
A Community of Tennessee Writers, Readers & Passersby

Decoding a Civil-War Mystery

In Linda Lee Peterson’s latest novel, a San Francisco editor returns to her Southern roots to unravel ancient family intrigue and forbidden love

…find an eager audience with genealogy buffs and Civil War enthusiasts, among others. Liz Garrigan is a senior editor at Worldcrunch, which delivers global journalism to English-language readers. Formerly the…

Touching Past, Present, and Future

Knoxville native David Madden examines the complex legacy of the Civil War

…founder of the United States Civil War Center, a research institute designed to study the war from all perspectives, Madden has put his intellectual money where his literary mouth is….

Storms Will Always Come

With The Bone Tree, Greg Iles confronts a dark chapter in Mississippi’s past

…More noteworthy, though, is the way Iles links personal and national crimes. In the book’s first chapter, Penn has just escaped one horror to confront another. “Storms will always come,…

Glowing with Promise, Rotting from Within

David Maraniss chronicles eighteen months in the history of Detroit, when the city was at its peak

…sales package, all things Motown, vertical and horizontal, everything and everyone together, imported from Detroit, all in the family.” Beyond music, Detroit captured all the glories and tensions of the…

Stumbling on a Wasp’s Nest

In Ronald Kidd’s new middle-grade novel, a girl comes of age in the civil-rights era

…readers will want to find out more about this almost forgotten civil-rights leader.) And in this rigidly hierarchical society, children are at the bottom of the ladder. History has almost…