Chapter 16
A Community of Tennessee Writers, Readers & Passersby

The Invisible Man

In Jonathan Safran Foer’s Here I Am, a Jewish father tries to prove he really exists

…absurdity and agony coexist. Sean Kinch grew up in Austin and attended Stanford. He earned a Ph.D. from the University of Texas. He now teaches English at Montgomery Bell Academy…

Parallel Lives

Yaa Gyasi’s debut novel, Homegoing portrays the ravages of the slave trade on both sides of the Atlantic

…a roll call of tribal clans. Homegoing honors her ancestry and deserves to be discussed in classrooms and book clubs alike. Sean Kinch grew up in Austin and attended Stanford….

Every Man for Himself

Donald Ray Pollock’s The Heavenly Table, set in 1917, reveals desperate hardship among the rural poor

…for realizing that, in this brief and perilous life, one must seize any opportunity to sample the weird and wonderful feast that the world has to offer. Sean Kinch grew…

Prophets of Doom

In Christopher Hebert’s Angels of Detroit, young idealists believe they must destroy the city to save it

…save it from destruction or accelerate its tragic fate, the broader question this novel asks is whether the rest of the U.S. is fated to follow its path. Sean Kinch

A Demon-Haunted Land

In Julia Franks’s debut novel Over the Plain Houses, a Depression-era farm wife seeks solace in the wilderness

Sean Kinch grew up in Austin and attended Stanford University. He earned a Ph.D. in modern fiction from the University of Texas. He now teaches English at Montgomery Bell Academy…

Contracts with the Devil

In Jennifer Haigh’s new novel, Heat and Light, energy companies choose profits over safety

…is too late. Sean Kinch grew up in Austin and attended Stanford University as an undergraduate. He returned to Austin, where he earned a Ph.D. in modern fiction from the…