Chapter 16
A Community of Tennessee Writers, Readers & Passersby

Brand-New Bookstores

In East Nashville, Her Bookshop and Atomic Nashville offer two new buy-local options

…John Lewis’s graphic memoir, but I also picked up a copy of a bestselling conventional memoir, J.D. Vance’s Hillbilly Elegy. Atomic also stocks all-local music and art, and it’s here…

Crime Capital of the World

Book excerpt: City of Light, City of Poison: Murder, Magic, and The First Police Chief of Paris

…herds of cattle and sheep to the city’s central slaughterhouses, located near streets with names like rue Pied-de-Boeuf (Cow-Foot Street) and rue de la Triperie (Tripe-Shop Street). On Thursdays and…

Contracts with the Devil

In Jennifer Haigh’s new novel, Heat and Light, energy companies choose profits over safety

…Heat and Light, addresses the calamity of fracking. Though Haigh makes it clear from the start that energy exploration inevitably carries environmental costs, she fills her novel with characters who…

L.A. Dark

In Sweet Nothing, mystery writer Richard Lange draws terse poetry from the lives of downtrodden Angelinos

“You have to lose eventually so that someone else can win. Bitch and moan all you want, but that’s the first, and worst, rule of the universe.” These words—spoken by…

Mother Lode

Kelly Corrigan’s third memoir, Glitter and Glue, is a poignant tale of learning to love her mother

Growing up, Kelly Corrigan relied on her dad’s unwavering enthusiasm but navigated an “adversarial but functional” way of being with her mother, who “looked at motherhood less as a joy…

Pushed to the Edge

Samantha Shannon talks with Chapter 16 about The Mime Order, the new novel in her mind-bendingly good dystopian series

…their breath—The Mime Order has already garnered considerable critical acclaim: Publishers Weekly called it “original and intriguing,” Kirkus Reviews praised its “propulsive” plot , and The Guardian was unequivocal: “There…