Chapter 16
A Community of Tennessee Writers, Readers & Passersby

Pushed to the Edge

Samantha Shannon talks with Chapter 16 about The Mime Order, the new novel in her mind-bendingly good dystopian series

…their breath—The Mime Order has already garnered considerable critical acclaim: Publishers Weekly called it “original and intriguing,” Kirkus Reviews praised its “propulsive” plot , and The Guardian was unequivocal: “There…

What Is Not Missing Is Light

…of Iowa Writers’ Workshop. Originally from Nashville, she lives in Los Angeles where she writes for the Library Foundation of Los Angeles and is a features contributor to Kirkus Reviews….

War Noir

James Ellroy talks with Chapter 16 about cops, history, and “literary megalomania”

…have always been flawed heroes in your work, though perhaps never more flawed than in Perfidia, where cops perform brutal and often illegal acts in virtually every chapter. Was there…

“Tennessee Line”

…how the sun set like a coffin Into the gray Pacific. How common it all was.                               How uncommon I pictured myself. Memento scrivi, skull-like and word-drunk,                                             one hundred fourteen pages…

Random Penguins for Penguin Random House

Mary Laura Philpott signs a book deal for her adorable penguins

Mary Laura Philpott is probably best known around Nashville as the editor of Musing: A Laid Back Lit Journal, the blog at Parnassus Books in Nashville. In that capacity she…

A Comedy of Vices

In her fourth memoir, comedian Chelsea Handler recounts her visits to far-flung destinations, making fun of everything along the way

…jaunts to other places, including Switzerland and the Bahamas. No matter where she travels, her behavior and experiences remain over-the-top. In a desperate effort to lose the ten pounds she’s…