Chapter 16
A Community of Tennessee Writers, Readers & Passersby

Poet for the People

Prine on Prine shines with the beloved songwriter’s heart, humor, and humanity

…And they’re all here in Prine on Prine, a collection of interviews (with a man who hated to be interviewed, not that you can tell) and “encounters,” as the subtitle…

Taking Back the Narrative

Alice Carrière finds her way beyond a troubled upbringing in Everything/Nothing/Someone

…the older adult she can’t yet fully conceive. Carrière has had no models, no mentors, no unconditional love, neither emotional scaffolding nor steadiness. There are moments of bracing sexual frankness…

Love Changes a Person

Emily Habeck’s Shark Heart is a wild journey of transformation

Emily Habeck’s debut novel, Shark Heart, is a wild book: an idiosyncratic, even fantastical, allegory that includes cinematic dialogue, poetry as prose, many chapters so short they could almost fit…

The Path to Authentic Voice

Award-winning author Ruta Sepetys offers a guide to the craft of writing

…Draft a list of creative, engaging questions for that person.” More than 100 pages later, one of the writing prompts at the end of the section on research reads, “You…

Remembrances of Knoxville Past

Linda Behrend revives Anne Armstrong’s stories of her adopted hometown in the late 1800s

…Mrs. Armstrong’s handwriting is quite unique and all over the place; there were many pages where she had marked through words, or even whole sections, and written changes in between

L.A. Roots

Western Edge explores country-rock from the Byrds to the Blasters and beyond

album-shaped. Just looking at the cover puts a song in your head. Maybe it’s something off the Byrds’ 1968 landmark album Sweetheart of the Rodeo, the so-called “Big Bang for…