A Publication of Humanities Tennessee


Rogues, a new collection of Patrick Radden Keefe’s magazine features, opens a curtain to reveal secret worlds. Keefe will discuss Rogues at the 2022 Southern Festival of Books in Nashville on October 14-16.

Trying to Catch a Shadow

In Path Lit by Lightning, a new biography of Jim Thorpe, David Maraniss examines the inner resilience and outsized talents of a Native American who rose from obscurity to be heralded as the world’s greatest athlete. Maraniss will discuss Path Lit by Lightning at Parnassus Books in Nashville on August 25.

Less than Total Recall

The Memory Index, the first book in a series by debut author Julian R. Vaca, explores an alternate 1987, where a disease has ravaged human memories and people rely on technology to preserve a sense of self. Vaca will discuss the book at North Wind Manor in Antioch on August 13.

A Demand for Justice

A rising star in the fight for racial justice, Nashvillian Justin Jones chronicles his activism in a new memoir, The People’s Plaza: Sixty-Two Days of Nonviolent Resistance. Jones will appear at Fisk University on August 11 and at the 2022 Southern Festival of Books in Nashville on October 14-16.

Women in a World Designed for Men

In her second novel, The War Librarian, Nashville-based writer Addison Armstrong looks at contemporary cultural conflicts by taking a detailed dive into two moments in history. Armstrong will discuss the book at Parnassus Books in Nashville on August 9.

Seventy-Six Pounds of Wet Hair and Poor Decisions

FROM THE CHAPTER 16 ARCHIVE: Rick Bragg’s The Speckled Beauty is about finding the heart to love the most wayward and aggravating dog imaginable, who also turns out to be smart, tenacious, loyal, fearless, full of life, and just what the doctor ordered for a man who is learning new lessons about losing and letting go. Bragg will appear at the 2022 Southern Festival of Books, held in Nashville on October 14-16.

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