Chapter 16
A Community of Tennessee Writers, Readers & Passersby

Nothing Left to Lose

A Sky for Us Alone, the debut YA novel by Nashville author Kristin Russell, portrays a struggling coal-mining community

Kristin Russell’s A Sky for Us Alone opens on Harlowe Compton’s eighteenth birthday. It’s a wonderful summer day in the country. It’s also the last time Harlowe will see his older brother alive. Russell will appear at Parnassus Books in Nashville on January 18.

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You Just Have to Listen

In The Whispers by Greg Howard, a boy searches for his mother with the help of mysterious beings

In the debut middle-grade novel by Nashville author Greg Howard, a child turns to the “Whispers,” nearly invisible creatures in the woods, for help in solving his mother’s disappearance. Howard will appear at Parnassus Books in Nashville on January 15, at Star Line Books in Chattanooga on January 17, and at Union Ave. Books in Knoxville on January 18.

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Gwendolyn Blooms

In her new picture book, Alice Faye Duncan pays tribute to the legendary Gwendolyn Brooks

In A Song for Gwendolyn Brooks, Memphis children’s author Alice Faye Duncan captures the life of distinguished poet Gwendolyn Brooks.

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War Swept Them Away

Alan Gratz’s new novel for middle schoolers dramatizes the Battle of Okinawa

With Grenade, Alan Gratz has written a war novel in which people find the strength to look past differences and into the eyes of their fellow frightened human beings.

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Overcoming the Worst

In Courtney Stevens’s latest YA novel, young survivors learn to face (and enjoy) life again

In Four Three Two One, Nashville YA novelist Courtney Stevens explores what it’s like to be a young survivor of senseless violence. Stevens will appear at Parnassus Books in Nashville on November 16.

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When a Passel of Possums Pulls Santa’s Sleigh

In his debut picture book, Grant Maloy Smith merges music and merry-making in a marsupial-filled Christmas tale

What happens when Rudolph comes down with the flu and Santa’s reindeer aren’t fit to fly? Singer/songwriter Grant Maloy Smith answers that question in his debut picture book, Fly Possum Fly. He will appear at Union Ave. Books in Knoxville on November 13, along with musician EmiSunshine.

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