The Perfect Fang
News of the next Kevin Wilson novel arrives just as his first hits the silver screen
People, we have been waiting for this for nearly five years, but the film version of Kevin Wilson’s incomparable novel, The Family Fang, is finally here (or it will be on May 6). Starring Jason Bateman and Nashville’s own Nicole Kidman, the movie has been getting stellar reviews since it debuted at the Toronto Film Festival last fall: Variety called it “a sharply drawn portrait of a dysfunctional, tortured artistic family that speaks affectingly to the troubled legacy that all parents inevitably bequeath to their children.”
The trailer (which you can see here) gives a pretty good idea of why we think the accolades for this film are just getting cranked up. But even more exciting, if such a thing is possible, is the news that Kevin Wilson, who lives in Sewanee, has a new novel on the way, too: Perfect Little World “follows a teenager on the cusp of becoming a mother,” according to PW. “After she joins an unorthodox experiment called the Infinite Family Project, she discovers the difference between the families we’re born into and those we make for ourselves.”
Sounds like a Kevin Wilson novel to us. Look for it from Ecco in January.
To read more about The Family Fang, click here. To read an essay by Kevin Wilson about the first sentence he wrote for that novel, click here.
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