A Publication of Humanities Tennessee

Europe’s Bloody Borderlands

FROM THE CHAPTER 16 ARCHIVE: In the bestselling Bloodlands, which has been critically acclaimed and widely translated, Timothy Snyder argues that the systematic killings in the Nazi death camps were part of the same arc of violence as the mass starving inflicted on Ukraine by the Soviets in the 1930s and the extra-legal killings perpetrated by Germans and Russians alike during their occupation of Poland, Ukraine, and the Baltic States. 

Europe’s Bloody Borderlands

Overcoming the Divide

Nashville writer David Dark has revisited his 2016 book, Life’s Too Short to Pretend You’re Not Religious, creating a “reframed and expanded” new edition. He’ll appear at Union Ave. Books in Knoxville on January 7.

Overcoming the Divide

Souled Out

In Soul City, Thomas Healy tells the epic, tragic, and potent story of founding a new, Black-oriented community in 1970s North Carolina. Healy will discuss Soul City at a virtual event held on Facebook Live, on the page of the Benjamin L. Hooks Institute for Social Change, on November 15.

Souled Out

Rye Wit

Clay Risen’s American Rye presents a comprehensive guide to a uniquely American spirit. As with his previous books on bourbon and scotch, Risen explains the evolution and making of rye whiskey before offering reviews and tasting notes on 225 contemporary expressions of the spirit.

Rye Wit

Power to Harm and to Heal

In Reorganized Religion, journalist Bob Smietana examines the evolution of America’s Christian institutions.

Power to Harm and to Heal

History in the Making

In Walking Gentry Home, poet Alora Young crafts a family history from the stories passed down through generations.

History in the Making

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